1 min read

Cheating on Jesus

Cheating on Jesus

This video teaching has been in the works for awhile. It took a lot of research and prayer to prepare and create this teaching. It could one with the biggest areas Satan has been enslaving us even unknowingly. It also could produce a lot of reaction, but I use myself as someone that has gone through and has had to repent and change my ways. I pray it will convict you and your family in a Godly way. It is not my intent to be divisive in any way to the body of Christ. It is my hope that many people will repent and break off real curses Satan has been destroying us with. Take everything to God. DSome would say that this is legalistic, but this is clearly not the case. Many people will say many of the things we do as unto God is legalistic, but when it comes right down to it, it's a matter of where our heart is towards Jesus. Have we made an idol out this, or are we willingly to remove something that is not ok.