10 min read

Deliverance Protocols

Deliverance Protocols

This teaching is meant for people working or desiring to work in a deliverance ministry to know how to conduct themselves to be more effective. Every ministry opperates differently, but there are some main points that will address how we should be working with each other. Some things you will need to go to God in prayer about and look in the Bible to see if you agree about, but it is meant for deliverance workers to minister in order and unity.

  • This presentation on protocols is where I am right now in my journey.
  • As we continue to work in more deliverance, these guidelines will change.
  • There may be beliefs and practices that we change course on later.
  • I do not make myself out to be an expert in deliverance.
  • Every deliverance you have will probably be different.
  • Each place that ministers deliverance is different.
  • There are so many variables and approaches and beliefs in deliverance.
  • There is not much in the Bible as how deliverance was done other than this one solid unchanging truth, “Come out in Jesus’ name”.
  • Anything I say, please go to God in prayer about.
  • If you are not sure about something, it is your responsibility to put it on the shelf and see if there is truth from God’s Word.
  • Don’t blindly take something you have a concern about.
  • All the people need to take time to fast.
  • Some people may not be able to fast regular food.
  • You can fast dessert if your doctor will not let you fast any food.
  • You can also fast all media or a hobby that you spend a lot of time with.
  • Preferably you want to fast food, unless a doctor says you are not able to.
  • Fasting will break the back of evil spirits and where they live in our sinful state of man, the flesh.
  • Testimony: In a deliverance not long ago a demon was upset because when we fast it said that it lost power and that we as believers gained power over the evil spirit.
  • Don’t listen to guilt and condemnation about not being able to fast or not being able to fast long.
  • It is an area I’m asking God to help me fast more.
  • You can easily look at fasting as a means of works and then you will be filled with pride.
  • Do it as unto God and ask Him to use it for His purposes.
  • Have a specific purpose in fasting.
  • Have a time that you want to fast for.
  • Coordinate with others, especially your spouse, to fast with you on the same prayer requests.
  • If you are going to be getting deliverance, start to fast and pray that God will break the stronghold and deliver you from the spirits.
  • Mark 9:29 also states the same thing as Matthew 17:21.
  • Do not try and deliver people until you get some deliverance.
  • Yes, you can deliver others in Jesus Name before you get deliverance, but you want to start to remove some planks from your own eye before getting specks out of other people’s’ eyes.
  • You don’t want to be doing deliverance and yet you are serious sin. What are you watching, reading, and listening to?
  • If you are involved in willful sin, you will open yourself up like a floodgate to transfers.
  • That is also why you don’t want 5 people all laying their hands over you in church especially when you don’t know their lifestyle perfectly.
  • They look great with their suit at church, but at home they could be yelling and full of anger or even worse.
  • If you have cracks in your armor, watch out. other demons leaving people will find you to be a great host.
  • This is not to scare you, but you need to take this ministry very seriously.
  • No one is perfect, but we need to clean our house out and stop making it inviting for the enemy before we start to deliver others.
  • We will be a hypocrite which is perfect for demons.
  • If you know that you have areas of serious holes and cracks in your armor, then don’t be trying to cast spirits out of other people.
  • Take time to come closer to God and be willing to let safe workers in deliverance help get free.
  • Slapping your hand on someone and praying in tongues out loud will not deliver someone of demons or heal them, otherwise pentecostals would not have any demons or sickness.
  • I say that because that is what you see a lot of once a demon manifests in a person or simply ministering in church.
  • That is why people can have a spirit of false tongues. That is a whole other teaching.
  • Do not come up to someone needing deliverance, getting deliverance and start to speak in tongues at the person. It’s chaos.
  • There is no specific targeting of demons.
  • And while demons do not like tongues, they will thrive on the chaos of one or multiple people speaking out tongues if it is done in a chaotic and unorganized manner.
  • 1st Corthians 14:15a: I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also…
  • 1st Corinthians 14:32, 33: And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
  • 1st Corinthians 14:40: Let all things be done decently and in order.
  • Demons thrive in disorder.
  • If there is disorder in the ministering of deliverance, there are some spirits that need to be cast out of the workers before they help deliverance.
  • Many times, however demons will be chaotic and a frenzy. That is where we sometimes need more boots on the ground and helping.
  • Sidenote, whenever you encounter a spirit that is violent, ask God to send angels to bind and chain the demons. Go after spirits of violence.
  • When you see someone getting deliverance, do not come up and start being loud with the person being delivered.
  • Sometimes it is hard to not start yelling, but always remember there is a person that is being delivered.
  • If you are not the lead, you should not be raising your voice.
  • It will compete with the person leading the deliverance.
  • Evil spirits are not deaf.
  • It will cause more chaos and that is what the demons thrive on.
  • Besides you will be causing disunity as the lead will not be able to work effectively.
  • As a lead, always direct any serious tone or raising of your volume only at the evil spirits, not the person.
  • Address the spirit’s name if it has been given that is causing the problem.
  • As a lead, use your authority in Jesus reaffirming the person getting delivered. “You’re doing a great job”. “Keep it up.” “We’re proud of you”.
  • There needs to be a person that takes the lead under God for deliverance.
  • Everyone else should be working with to support the leader, not to usurp that person’s authority, otherwise there will be disunity.
  • The person will probably not be delivered if there is division with the workers and leader.
  • We are all workers under God.
  • We will be under someone at first until we are trained enough to lead a deliverance.
  • I had to be trained and be under people and I still am under others train when I visit other deliverance ministries or churches.
  • Be careful not to teach the lead. Let the lead lead.
  • When I work here, I am under the pastor as well as accountable to all you as my brothers and sisters.
  • If a worker can not submit for deliverance and to the lead, then that person is hindering deliverance and creating division.
  • An unsubmissive person is a participant of rebellion and we know what God’s Word says about rebellion. It is as witchcraft.
  • When praying in support for a deliverance, be quiet enough that the person leading is loud enough for the person being delivered to hear.
  • No other praying should be competing with the lead.
  • Nothing around the deliverance should be distracting the person getting deliverance.
  • Be thoughtful to support the person leading the deliverance and the person being delivered.
  • Don’t make it about you, the support.
  • It’s not about you and I, it’s about God coming in and delivering us.
  • It’s not an army of one.
  • If we can not submit, to people God has placed over us in authority, we are in rebellion and should not be aiding deliverance until we get delivered of that spirit.
  • It’s always ok and can be normal for the person being delivered to manifest.
  • Many times there can be some form of screaming.
  • The religious spirits or fear of demons will make it like a person should never manifest and even say that we should not let the demons show off.
  • For the most part, demons do not want to be found out.
  • So the screaming initially is the demon going crazy that they have been found out.
  • There is torment on them as God is making them be revealed.
  • Many times demons manifest in church and we think that it is the Lord’s Spirit. I won’t go into that as that is an entirely different teaching. But simply ask God for discernment while always loving each other.
  • Start to realize that manifestations are the evil spirit, not the person.
  • Initial manifestations are a good thing because then the person knows that there is something they can get rid of in Jesus.
  • We see this in the Bible. It is completely Biblical for demons to manifest when they are found out as Christians use the Lord’s power to drive them out.
  • In fact, if a person is not manifesting, there is not a certainty of what there is present or that it is getting cast out.
  • We do not try and create and force a manifestation. That is God’s part. Demons can use that to deceive us. It’s inevitable.
  • A demon does not need to manifest in order to be cast out, but for the most part there will usually be some form of manifestation.
  • Don’t focus on the manifestations as there are many types of manifestations, just know that you will see it a lot and don’t try to stop it unless it is causing problems.
  • Sometimes, you have to tell it to go down and put it in some box of confinement.
  • Men should pray for men and women should pray for women when possible.
  • This is to ensure more accountability.
  • If lead is a guy, he will sometimes pray for a woman, but there be a wife or other people present to ensure accountability so that nothing can be said wrong and that it is decent and in order.
  • Be praying with your voice but quietly
  • Pray in tongues
  • Bind the strongman, evil spirits, and armor; Loose the Fruit of the Spirit.
  • Pray the blood of Jesus on the person being delivered and everyone.
  • Pray for wisdom, guidance, and understanding for the lead
  • Pray confusion on demons, cut off communication and reinforcements.
  • Pray any Scripture that is relevant
  • Pray for the spirits to be cast out
  • Pray for the demons to be exposed
  • Pray for sin/iniquity to be exposed giving legal grounds to demons
  • Pray for guidance for lead to close doors, break curses, & cut off soul ties
  • Pray that the evil spirits would be cast out and there would be freedom
  • God will give you more wisdom when it comes to laying your hands on other people.
  • As we are getting started as a group, it is more prudent to be in Godly fear in not having everyone lay their hands indiscriminately.
  • Some spirits are literally empowered by touch because it can be lustful.
  • Some spirits will try and transfer, but we will pray that nothing will be able to do that.
  • However instead of using your hands to lay on someone in deliverance, you can use the Bible as a point of touch. Not as a physical weapon, but as God’s perfect truth.
  • Don't do this in legalism, but as God puts it in your heart as unto Him. It’s a good practice for women in deliverance or helping with deliverance to have their heads covered.
  • You may have never heard this before.
  • This is something I teach that does not come from our pastor. It is something I learned in deliverance and the Word of God.
  • The head covering on a woman is a sign of submission to God’s order.
  • This also gives more light to the Scripture about the head covering.
  • Anything we do can be out of legalism rather than obedience to the Word of God.
  • I want to learn to do things in obedience to God’s Word from my heart even if I don’t understand it completely.
  • The spirit of Jezebel hates the head covering.
  • If you find that you are very much in disagreement to this idea, there is probably a spirit not happy with this.
  • It’s just like when someone suggested that I had anger demons. I became worried, fearful, proud, and even angry at the idea. It took a couple of months of thinking and praying to realize I needed deliverance.
  • If you don’t have a head covering with you, improvise at the very least when Jezebel manifests. Remember this part of teaching.
  • Whenever Jezebel manifests, put it on the head of the woman.
  • Jezebel manifests a lot in America and she is gaining popularity worldwide.
  • Jezebel is a whole other teaching for another time. I will be touching on this spirit at some point.
  • Maintain confidentiality: Deliverance can be a sensitive and personal process.
  • Make sure to keep the details of the session confidential and respect the privacy of the person being delivered.
  • Do not under any circumstances be gossiping. It will destroy people.
  • If you were delivered and shared many things from your life, would be ok with others talking freely about everything that was in you? Maybe not.
  • Just be considerate to everyones’ deliverance info. Do not share it.
  • Aftere deliverance and/or prayer ministry release everything back to God.
  • Let go of the problems.
  • Don’t hold on to it.
  • Otherwise, false burdens take advantage of you and you will get so sick and messed up.
  • Worry is a spirit.
  • There is no possible way we can help everyone and bear their burdens on our own shoulders alone.
  • There is a specific spirit of false burdens.
  • Don’t let it put everybody’s baggage on you.
  • Follow up: After the deliverance session, make sure to follow up with the person being delivered to see how they are doing and offer any additional support or prayer as needed.
  • Deliverance is not a one-time fix, and it is important to provide ongoing support and follow up for those who have received deliverance.
  • This may include counseling, discipleship, and continued prayer support to help the person stay free and get more freedom.
  • There can be many many doors open in a person’s life that need to closed and this takes time.