2 min read

How to Confess and Repent of Fear So I can Sleep Better

How to Confess and Repent of Fear So I can Sleep Better

Watch the video on Youtube: https://youtu.be/KNK-TbspauA

In another earlier post on sleep, I was going over some Scriptures we can meditate on and use for better sleep. But one issue that stops our sleep and hurts it is through evil spirits. And they have access to us through sin. And who can say that they are without sin? 1st John 1:8,10 shows us that no one is without sin. But how do evil spirits in Satan’s kingdom use our sin against us to hurt our sleep? One of the more effective ways used to wreak our sleep is through fear we listen to and align ourselves with. All worries, concerns, stress, and anxiety fall into the category of fear.

We should first confess our sin of fear to God and then find some Scriptures in the Bible we can use to pray so we can be stronger walking in faith and walk out of fear. Here are some verses we can use to get rid of fear and pray against fear. While we are doing this we can also fill ourselves with God’s remedy for fear. What is God’s remedy for fear? God’s perfect love also known as Agape love in the Greek. In the King James Bible this perfect Agape love from God is often translated charity for in charity we are giving love and not concerned with getting for ourself.

2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

1 John 4:18 - There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Prayer to Confess and Repent of Fear

Let us confess our fears and be set free as we tell things to leave us. Father, I come to You in Jesus Name. I pray that You help me to be set free from everything that is keeping me in fear and not allowing me to sleep. I confess the sin of anxiety, worry, fear, concern, and stress.

(Take time to pause and name out loud every sin of worry that is consuming you. Any thought that goes around in your head that you can not get rid of. If you feel you have done something that is sin, confess it and receive your forgiveness from God.) 1 John 1:9