2 min read

How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety in Jesus

How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety in Jesus

The Devil will destroy you with negative emotion and sickness. In order to free yourself from these emotions and spirits you need to go to God and meditate on verses that speak about God's love, peace, and hope for you. It is a process of removing lies the Devil has spoken to you and renewing your mind with God's Word. God’s Word is true and will bring truth to a lie that we have believed and start the process of removing the negative emotions and spirits. That is one of the steps.

Find Verses That Contradict Your Negative Emotions/Lies and Meditate on Them Day and Night. Here is an example for fear. But this strategy can be used for anything the Devil uses against us.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.

The War is in Thoughts

One of the main ways the Devil destroys us wit is the onslaught of negative thoughts spoken to us in our mind by the Devil. He will speak to us in first person so we think it is actually our own thoughts and then we will believe the thoughts and confess them and embrace the Devil’s thoughts towards ourself, others, or God Himself. Any thought that is negative is not of God. So get rid of the negative thoughts. It's a thought that the Devil will use and has been using to destroy you and inflict you with sickness and paralyze you with incorrect emotions.

Start Taking Back What the Devil Stole

Pay careful attention to your thoughts and whenever you realize there is a negative thought in your head do the following:

1. Repent to Jesus for listening and believing the negative thought.
2. Reject, renounce, and rebuke the negative thought.
3. Cast the negative thought/spirit out of you and tell it to go to Jesus and use the name of Jesus. Cover your thoughts and mind with the blood of Jesus.