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Laying On of Hands

Laying On of Hands

We have found that even the wrong kinds of “prayer” and laying on of hands, or “prayers” at a distance, have resulted in hurtful and dismaying results with the effects of a curse. For example: Curses came on a man and woman through a couple who were casting witchcraft curses in a Full Gospel Church!

Moody, Gene B. The Complete Deliverance Manual (p. 181). Gene B. Moody. Kindle Edition.

Religious Spirits
False Laying on of Hands
False Religious Authority

Moody, Gene B. The Complete Deliverance Manual (p. 236)

This is an area that is dangerous and caution must be exercised because of the potential harm to individuals and God’s Kingdom. A good verse to ponder is I Tim. 5:22, Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure.

It is not necessary to lay hands on someone to cast out demons or pray for healing. In some cases it is better not to lay hands on the person being ministered to. This is especially true when casting out sexual demons from the opposite sex. You need to be led by the Holy Spirit in what to do.

If you have sexual demons within you, they will interact with the sexual demons in the other person. They will stir up emotions in either or both individuals. This is especially true between the opposite sex or gender confusion individuals.

We have observed men laying hands on women, and women laying hands on men. The safest way is to lay hands on the top of the head. Next in safeness is to lay hands on the shoulder. Many times God heals by the lengthening of legs and straightening of the back. In this instance it is safe to hold a persons shoes and pray for them. In between the head and shoulders, and the feet is the danger zone of eroticism (sexual arousal). This is the area that stirs up sexual feelings.

The way a person ministers to others reveals what is going on inside them. Suppose that a person has latent homosexual or lesbian demons that they are not aware of. Then, they will want to love on men and boys, or women and girls. They may want to lay hands on their sexual organs and to kiss them due to the homosexual or lesbian demons. This actually invites these type of demons to attack the person being ministered to and satisfies the demons within the person doing the ministering. Ministers may hurts others if they are not careful and aware of this area of problems from Satan's kingdom.

Comments – Some women want to be lord over the men in deliverance; they feel justified even if they are wrong. Men and women should not be in competition. Some deliverance does more harm than good if not done properly such as physically pulling or pushing a person's body to get rid of a demon. You need only listen to God, command with Jesus' authority for deliverance. A person's doctrine should be sound and according to the Bible with healing and deliverance.

Moody, Gene B. The Complete Deliverance Manual (pp. 573-574)

Laying On of Hands
Laying hands on a person in prayer is not just a picturesque religious ritual. It can be a powerful spiritual experience, a temporary interaction between two spirits through which supernatural power is released. Normally the power flows from the one laying on hands to the one on whom hands are laid, but at times it can flow the other way.

The power may do either good or evil. It may emanate from the Holy Spirit or from a demon, depending on the one from whom it flows. For this reason Paul established certain safeguards. “Do not lay hands on anyone hastily,” he wrote, “nor share in other people’s sins; keep yourself pure” (1 Timothy 5:22). This passage is regarding ordination, but it addresses contact with other people spiritually. In other words, be careful with whom you allow your spirit to interact!

The laying on of hands should be done reverently and prayerfully. Any person participating should make sure he or she is not thereby, in Paul’s words, sharing in another person’s sins.

It is a mistake to turn a group of people loose and encourage them to lay hands indiscriminately on one another. The following brief testimony from Ruth illustrates the danger:

“In 1971 I was attending a charismatic meeting, and the speaker asked people to stand if they wanted prayer for healing. I had a bad cold, so I stood. He then instructed people seated nearby to lay their hands on us and pray for our healing. Four or five prayed for me.

When I awoke the next morning, my cold was better—but my fingers were all curled up and stiff and hurting. Immediately I thought, Someone with arthritis laid hands on me last night! I renounced the spirit of arthritis, and within five minutes all the symptoms were gone.

I was a very young believer, less than one year old, and I have been so grateful to God for teaching me then to be careful who lays hands on me.”

Excerpt From
Prince, Derek; They Shall Expel Demons