Awaken from the Illusion: The Dangerous Lure of Ungodly Comfort
Matthew 25:14-30 - For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called
The Empty Chase
God gave my wife and I an important message recently: "There's idolatry among my people." These profound words served as an urgent call, urging us to delve into our hearts to uncover what idolatry there was within our lives.
Spirit World Realities
There are evil spirits that work against us, otherwise we would not have the gift of discernment of spirits listed
Cheating on Jesus
This video teaching has been in the works for awhile. It took a lot of research and prayer to prepare
The Unbreakable Formation
I go through what God says in His Bible about being in God's formation in order to be
8 R's to Freedom
I go through 8 parts to a process using God's Word how to be set free from an
The 7 Steps to Sin
There’s a Difference Between Temptation and Sin. I go through the steps of sin as found in James.
Kick Out Fear and Be Covered in God's Love
2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of
The Father's Love - English & Español
There’s a Battle for the Office of Father.
There’s a lot of love generally speaking that goes to