4 min read

Prayer to Bind and Cast Out Evil Spirits of Fear

Lord, please make me perfect in love and cast out all fear spirits.
Prayer to Bind and Cast Out Evil Spirits of Fear

I pray this over myself and everyone present.

Father, I cover every part of our body, soul, and spirit with the blood of Jesus.

Father we pray in agreement together for complete deliverance and freedom in Jesus name.

Let us be filled with the Holy Ghost as we pray and cast out evil spirits.

I pray a wall of fire & hedge of protection around us.

Father send us extra warrior angels to bind and subdue the evil spirits operating against us so we can be set free.

Father, I confess my sins of fear. I do not want any sins of fear. Please forgive me for fear and deliver me from all of these evil spirits. I thank you for your forgiveness. (1 John 1:9)

Heavenly Father, I stand in the gap for ALL my ancestors and confess their sins of all iniquity. I am sorry for what they did. I ask for forgiveness so that I can be set free from the curse of their iniquity. I now claim forgiveness and break their curses from over me. (Leviticus 26:40)

Heavenly Father, I forgive ALL my ancestors for all sins that may have affected me by them causing any curses in our bloodlines. (Matthew 6:14 & Mark 11:25)

Heavenly Father, I forgive myself for every sin I ever committed.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, that on the cross you were made a curse (Galatians 3:13) that I might be redeemed from the curse, and enter into the blessing (Galatians 3:14) and because of what you did Lord Jesus, right here right now in your precious name, I release myself from every and all curses over me and my family and I claim the blessing that you purchased with your blood (Genesis 24:1). Thank you Lord Jesus.

I refuse all the authority of evil spirits over me, their right to me, their power in me, and their influence over or upon me.

Lord Jesus Christ, please tell all evil spirits that will be be cast out where they are going right now. I ask that all the demons would be bound, gagged, and chained up.

Father, I ask that angels would cut off all communication between the evils spirits, their reinforcements would be cut off, and that confusion will hinder all of their strategies. I also ask for civil war between all evil spirits so that they fight against each other causing massive damage to all of the evil spirits present in us and all around. Cut off the heads of these serpents in Jesus name.

2 Timothy 1:7 states: God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

1 John 4:18 states: There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Lord, please make me perfect in love and cast out all fear spirits.

Ask God to reveal all thoughts, emotions, actions, and evil spirits of fear.


Once it is time for the spirits to leave, keep your mouth open and free of talking. Just use your mind after telling it to go.

In Jesus name, I command all evil spirits mentioned and connected with those mentioned to manifest and leave to where Jesus sends you never to return again. We put the blood of Jesus against you evil spirits. You demons are defeated by the blood of Jesus.

Take more time as needed on one spirit if it is manifesting, but not leaving.

I bind all spirits of fear. Go in Jesus name.

I also bind all spirits of anxiety and anxiety attacks, panic and panic attack, concern, worry, stress, overwhelmed, and tension. GO IN JESUS NAME!

In Jesus name, I bind: alarm, apprehension, despair, dread, horror, jitters, scare, suspicion, terror, uneasiness, cowardice, creeps, distress, faintheartedness, fright, nightmares, phobias, sudden fear, timidity, trembling, deep fear, obsessive fear, and trepidation. GO IN JESUS NAME!

In Jesus name, I bind FEARS OF: abuse, accident, accusation, agoraphobia: fear of open space, allergies, animals, authority, bathophobia: falling from high places, being alone, being hurt, being wrong, cancer, change, claustrophobia: fear of tight places, conflict, confrontation, covid, crowds, darkness, death, deliverance, demons, disapproval, diseases, driving, dying in sleep, failure, future trouble, getting older or aging, giving or receiving love freely, having children, heart attack, heights, injury or not healing, insanity, insects and bugs, judgment, kids getting hurt or abused, losing salvation, making wrong decisions, man, marriage, necrophobia: fear of the dead, not having children, pain, rejection, responsibility, school or college, sickness, snakes, spiritual gifts, the future, witchcraft. GO IN JESUS NAME!

Father, we praise you and glorify you for this deliverance.

Everything that did not leave we bind, cancel their assignments, cut off all communication, and cut off reinforcements. Any evil spirits that leave must go straight to Jesus for instructions and are not allowed to return.

Father, we seal this deliverance with the Blood of Jesus. Fill every empty space with the presence of the Holy Ghost. Help everyone to walk in the fruit of the Spirit to keep their deliverance and not to listen to the lies of the evil spirits. (Galatians 5:22,23 Thank you for your goodness. (Lamentations 3:22,23)

Psalms 60:12: Through God we shall do valiantly for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.