1 min read

Prayer to Get Ahead in Life

Prayer to Get Ahead in Life - Mark 16 Mission - Man in Sports Car

The world teaches you to walk on other people to get ahead. But that's not what God teaches us in his word. In Proverbs God teaches us that we are to walk in humility and fear of the Lord; to have reverence, honor, and respect for the things of God. To put Him first. Let us pray and ask God to help us be as He teaches in His word (Bible).

Proverbs 22:4
By humility (meekness) and the fear (morally, reverence, respect, piety) of the LORD are riches, and honour, and life.

Words in (parentheses) are added for more understanding of the bold text.


Father, I ask in Jesus’ name that you would send angels to change me and deliver me from things that stop me from walking in humility and the fear of the Lord. I’m sorry for serving pride and rebellion. I repent and confess these areas of sin in my life. I ask that you would forgive me according to 1st John 1:9

Warfare & Self-Deliverance

In Jesus’ name, I bind all spirits of pride, rebellion, self-will, and spirits that try to stop humility in my life. I command these evil spirits to go now in the name of Jesus. I bind in the name of Jesus all spirits trying to stop me from walking in the fear of the Lord. I command you all to go. In Jesus’ Name all antichrist spirits go in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Lord. I bless you, Lord, and give you my life again today, in Jesus name, amen.