6 min read

Prayer for Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Prayer for Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Click on each section below for the text.


We do not seek to conflict with any religious doctrines, beliefs, or practices, nor does this ministry seek to do so with any medical or psychiatric practices. I believe that many human issues have spiritual underpinnings and physical and mental manifestations.

This information is only intended for general understanding. The sole purpose of the information is to provide insight into disease, its issues, and its potential solutions in the fight against or prevention of disease. It is not meant to be used in place of medical advice or treatment for particular disorders or conditions.

You should get medical attention immediately if you have any particular health problems. You and your doctor must decide on the best treatment options for your particular health issues.

As a minister, I am not liable for a person's illness or recovery. I only share the information I have gathered through research and observation. I am not an expert nor a healer; I am a minister who applies the Bible's healing provisions. In addition, I share information consistent with what God has already stated in His Word and has been observed and researched by the medical and scientific communities. There are no assurances that any illness or injury will be prevented. A relationship between a person and God based on these insights will produce the results of this instruction.


Philippians 4:6

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.


We all can relate to things that cause stress, anxiety, and at times even panic. Anxiety can be very subtle at first and we don't even notice it. But over time it will control us. Anxiety is not simply a feeling, it is a spirit. A spirit that wants to steal from you, destroy you, and ultimately if it can, even kill you. How does anxiety kill people? By working with depression that will eventually bring a spirit of suicide to finish the job.

What should we do when we have extreme stress that turns into panic? Well, we can go to God's Word to give us an anchor. Philippians 4:6 tells us to be careful for nothing. It's another way to say not to be anxious for anything. Later on you should also take the other portion of Philippians 4:4-8 and meditate on it praying to God about it that he would help you live it out.

4. Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.

5. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.

6. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

7. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

8. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

I can go over this in more detail for another time as there are so many things in this passage to consider, but for now focus on how this Scripture tells us not to have anxiety. If we truly can not control this very easily we know that there is a spirit that has influence over us. It possesses us in our thoughts and/or emotions.

Sometimes we are complaining, sometimes we have unforgiveness or hurt in our hearts. We need to repent of listening to fear and anything else that would give anxiety power over us. Then we need to kick it out just like Jesus did. We need to cast it out after repenting.


First we need to bring our whole life to God. If we don't submit our lives to God, how can he help us?

Pray something like this from your whole heart.

Father, I come to you in Jesus name. I repent of everything that dishonors you. I give you my whole life. I really need you in every area of life. Please forgive me for all of my sin. I believe that when Jesus, the son of God the actual incarnation of God, died for me on the cross and came back to life, he paid for my sins. It should have been me on that cross for all the sin I did. As Galatians 3:13 says, He became a curse for me. Without that dying in my place, I could not have any hope of life abundantly. Father, I give you every area of my life. I surrender all to you. I submit everything to you. Help me do this well. I want to made whole and healthy.

Now we need to forgive others. If Jesus can forgive us of our sins we have or will commit we need to forgive others otherwise God can not forgive us.

I forgive everyone that hurt me and I ask that you would bless them to have a good relationship with you if they are still alive.

(Take time to go over everyone that hurt you. Sometimes it can be yourself, or even disappointment towards God. Get rid of all unforgiveness and forgive from your heart.)

After repenting and forgiving tell Anxiety to go! Cast it all out! Anything that comes to your mind that is not of God must go. This includes negative feelings, thoughts, or anything else that is negative... Warning: Do not go any further if you have not repented of your sins, or prayed to have Jesus over every area of your life. It is a dangerous thing to be trying to tell evil spirits to leave you and not give God all of you. More can come back even more powerful. (Luke 11:26) Don't play games with God or evil spirits. If you are sincere and have repented and truly asked God to be the Lord of every area of your life, then continue knowing God will help you.

Lord, I ask that you deliver me of everything that is producing anxiety. I ask that you make perfect in your love so that fear is cast out according to 1 John 4:18. I ask that you would cleanse me and cover every part of me with the blood of Jesus.

In the name of Jesus, I command all fear to go. I also command anxiety, being overwhelmed, oppression, heaviness, stress, worry, concern, panic attacks, depression, sadness, despair, hopelessness, and suicide to go. I also will trust God that all medicine will be able to lowered and removed by a Doctor when they see that all anxiety is gone. 

Warning: (Never take yourself off any medicine without the doctor's advice. Always consult a doctor for all changes to your medicine.)

Lord, I'm going to trust you that as I put everything in your hands with thankfulness, that you are going to set me free everyday. I pray this from my heart. In Jesus name, I close all doors to anxiety. I refuse anxiety. I cut off all ungodly soul ties with places, things, and people connecting to anxiety. In Jesus name, I break all curses to anxiety, fear, depression, and all other evil spirits connected to anxiety.


Now everyday you need to be walking out of anxiety. You need to be fellowshipping with other Christians that can pray and support you with encouragement as well as tell those evil spirits to go. You need to be meditating on the Word of God that will build faith. Cut everything out of your life that is taking you away from God. Pray throughout the day to your Father in heaven. Love Him and allow Him to love you. Sing worship to Him. Pray to God in tongues if you have this gift already which is promised to everyone that seeks God as in Acts 2:38, 39. If not, seek God for that beautiful gift. Everyday when those negative feelings and thoughts of anxiety come to you, throw them down and cast them out. Do not let them have control over you. They will possess you, unless you force them to go. It is a battle and remember who the battle is against. The battle is not against people. The battle is against evil spirits as stated in Ephesians 6:12. Resist the Devil and He will flee from you. 

Have you overcome fear and axiety? Let us know in the comments. If you need prayer, you can click on the next steps and ask for prayer and someone will pray for you.