2 min read

Prayer to Remove Oppression, Terror, and Fear

Prayer to Remove Oppression, Terror, and Fear

Prayer to Remove Oppression, Terror, and Fear

How do we get rid of oppression? How do we get rid of terror? How do we get rid of fear?

First, we should read Isaiah 54:14.

Let's read these statements out loud and believe God is the author of this for our lives.

Statements of Faith

I am established in righteousness.
We have righteousness through Jesus. We have our sins removed by his death. His blood covers us. If we have also been baptized into Jesus, we have gone through His death, burial, and resurrection. We can remind Satan that we have Jesus’ name attached to us. If you have not been baptized, then you should consider it after understanding its significance. Jesus was also baptized even though he had no sin. He said that baptism fulfilled righteousness.
Oppression and terror are far from me.
They will not come near me.
I will not fear.

So if we want to get rid of oppression, terror, and fear, let’s confess any sin and break curses.

Prayer and Breaking of Curses

Father I come to you in prayer in Jesus Name. I'm sorry for being a part of oppression, terror, and fear. I'm sorry if I ever became a party to and put oppression terror and fear on other people. Lord, help me to remove it from my life. Help me speak and meditate on the verse you gave me and Isaiah 54:14 and believe it and be safe in You.

I'm sorry Lord for listening to these things instead of what your word says. I'm not going to agree with anything the enemy puts on me. I break the curse of any kind of trauma that allowed these things sent to me. I close the door to these things. I cut off ungodly soul ties with people, places, and things that would make me to be a victim and to listen to these things instead of what God's Word says. Thank you Lord Jesus for loosing me from these evil spirits and sins. Thank you for helping me to walk in the fruit of the Spirit, to walk in Your spirit and not the works of the flesh.

Spiritual Warfare

In the name of Jesus I bind all spirits of oppression, terror, and fear. I command you to leave me. I am not going to be your victim to oppression, terror, and fear. Nor am I going to be a willing party to putting these things into other people’s lives.

Lord, I pray that you fill me and loose in me the opposite of these things. Loose on me gentleness, self-control, love, peace, confidence, boldness, and faith. Help me to be as you want me to be. And help me to be used to assist other people to be free in these areas. Free people in my family. Help me to set my friends free and all those around me. I pray this in the perfect name of Jesus amen. Mark16Mission.com