12 min read

The Empty Chase

God gave my wife and I an important message recently: "There's idolatry among my people." These profound words served as an urgent call, urging us to delve into our hearts to uncover what idolatry there was within our lives.
The Empty Chase

God gave my wife and I an important message recently: "There's idolatry among my people." These profound words served as an urgent call, urging us to delve into our hearts to uncover what idolatry there was within our lives.

"Come out from among them," God declared, inviting us to distance ourselves from the grip of idolatrous influences that have been entangling us and others. The recognition of idolatry's insidious presence is the first step towards spiritual liberation.

In the eyes of our Creator, idolatry is a grievous offense. "There is idolatry in your life," God proclaimed to us, revealing the stark reality that we and others harbor idols—objects or desires that we elevate above our devotion to Jesus.
God's message continued, "When there's idolatry, there's a reprobate mind." This served as a stark warning—a sobering reminder that idolatry can cloud our judgment and lead us down a perilous path if left unchecked.

America stands at the threshold of a pivotal shift—a transformation that demands repentance from idolatry. "There is a shift coming to America where people are going to have to repent of idolatry in order to make it," God's Holy Spirit resounded. This message was for us since we live in America, but you could probably even see the shifting taking place around the whole world. The winds of change are blowing, and embracing this shift requires a sincere turning away from idolatrous activities.

As stewards of God's message, each of us is called to preach against idolatry. It is a solemn duty entrusted to us, for idolatry serves as a formidable barrier to deliverance. God has explicitly stated His aversion to idolatry, for it signifies a yearning for human achievements over His divine presence.

In a vision, there was a congregation of people dancing around a golden calf—an image reminiscent of biblical accounts that exemplify the allure of idol worship. This vision serves as a vivid reminder of the pervasive nature of idolatry and its power to captivate hearts and minds.

"Idolatry is the number 1 problem," God emphasized. It is the root cause of the busyness that engulfs our lives, robbing us of precious moments with Him. The urgency lies in recognizing idolatry's stronghold and dismantling its grip on our hearts.

As we embark on this journey to explore the depths of idolatry, let us heed God's call and embark on a path of repentance and renewal. It is in this journey that we can draw closer to His presence and experience the freedom and deliverance that He promises to all who turn away from idols.

Understanding Idolatry: Defining It and Recognizing Its Forms

Idolatry is a foundational concept in religious teachings, carrying profound significance in our spiritual journeys. At its core, idolatry involves the act of worshiping something or someone other than Jesus Christ, elevating this entity to a place of deep reverence and devotion within our hearts. Often, this devotion can manifest in subtle and concealed ways. In this teaching, we will delve into the multifaceted dimensions of idolatry and reflect on how it may subtly infiltrate our lives.

The Heart's Role in Idolatry

To truly grasp the concept of idolatry, it is vital to recognize the pivotal role played by the human heart. In Matthew 12:34b-37, Jesus states: "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."

The question is what are you talking about. I know from my own life at one time, it was not a lot of Jesus and His Bible that I was talking about. Rather it was a lot of gaming and photography I spoke about. These were the big idols I had in my life. I had others such as movies, phone, snacks, and coffee shops.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of idolatry, it is imperative that we engage in introspection to identify potential idols in our personal lives. Below are some prevalent forms of idolatry that may resonate with many individuals:

Material Possessions

The relentless pursuit of material wealth and possessions can transform worldly goods into idols, overshadowing our devotion to faith. (Luke 12:13-21)

Work and Career

When we allocate an excessive amount of time and energy to our careers, neglecting our spiritual well-being, our work can be an idol.

Fame and Celebrity

Whether directed towards our personal aspirations for fame or the excessive admiration of celebrities, the fervent pursuit of this recognition or focus on celebrities can consume our thoughts and actions. I'm sorry, but Hollywood is filled with every kind of sin imaginable. The only person we should be setting our affections on should be Jesus. Even a leader in a church or ministry can be a dangerous be a dangerous thing to set our affections and inordinate affection on.

Popularity and Social Status

The desire for social approval and an elevated social status can be an idol, influencing our choices and actions.

Prestige and Titles

Our titles and positions in various aspects of life, including our jobs and even within the church, can be idols when they define our worth. This can also be an open door or a sign that there could be unloving spirits within.

Comfort and Security

Excessive reliance on comfort and security can stop and deter us from stepping out into God's will especially if we are involved in a big church with a ministry. We have to be careful that we are in God's will and not just floating along getting fat listening to multiple teachings and not going to reach more people for Jesus.

Power and Control

Seeking power and control over our lives and others can be idolatry, as we prioritize control over surrendering to God's will. When we are power hungry or constantly controlling others we find the following spirits of pride, self-image, manipulation, dictatorship, Jezebel, control, and others.


Even our relationships with others can become idols if they take precedence over our relationship with God, leading to an unhealthy dependence on others for our sense of fulfillment. This is really occultism making someone else the source for our needs rather than trusting God to help.


Indulging in entertainment, especially in the form of games, movies, or TV shows, will not only divert our focus from our faith at the very least and it will replace it with momentary gratification seeped in worldly sin of all kinds. It is nearly impossible to watch any TV shows or movies without some form of sin involved in the movie. Do not be deceived many many demons enter through our eyes and ears when watching and listening to movies, TV shows, and music not centered completely 100% on Jesus and the values found in His Bible. No only do they enter, they have soul ties to us giving them complete 100% legal rights to us as "Christians".

Technology and Gadgets

Our attachment to devices like phones, tablets, and computers can be idols. We can't be without gadgets especially without phones serious withdrawals many times. If you want to see if your phone or other gadget is an idol try doing without it for a day when you do not have any other activity at hand. It probably will not be a few hours that goes by without the strong desire to use it.

Social Media

The pursuit of validation and affirmation on social media platforms can be an idol, as we seek self-worth through the approval of others. This also touches on words of affirmation. If we are always seeking and need others to give you a word of affirmation, you may have made affirmation of others as an idol. This means that if you are a leader, you may get upset if others do not praise you. This probably means that you are extremely

Personal Identity

When we prioritize our own desires and self-image above all else, we risk idolizing ourselves and placing our ego before our worship to Jesus. It's all about His identity and what we are in Jesus, not what we are in ourselves. A great Bible study is: Who we are in Jesus. All you have to do is look up Bible verses that speak about who we are in Him.

Political Ideologies

Idolizing political ideologies or figures can divert our allegiance from God, as we place our trust and hope in human solutions rather than God's guidance. We must also know that God can turn a leaders mind whatever way God wants. It doesn't mean that leaders are always doing things God's way, but God can do whatever He wants. (Prov.21:1) When we place all of trust into a person rather than God, we have turned that leader into the place of a savior. We know that man is not our savior. (Psalms 118:8,9 This is a really great Scripture!)

Substances and Experiences

Indulging excessively in substances like food, drugs, sugar, caffeine, or engaging in addictive experiences such as gambling, can replace our spiritual pursuits with temporary pleasures. These can and are idols for many people.

Health and Fitness

Obsessive focus on physical health and fitness can lead to idolatry when it takes precedence over our spiritual well-being. (1 Timothy 4:8,9)

Appearance and Beauty

An excessive preoccupation with physical appearance, including clothing, shoes, and jewelry, can divert our attention from Jesus and are idols in peoples' lives.

Education and Knowledge

While education and knowledge are valuable, obsessively seeking wisdom can lead to idolizing intellectual pursuits at the expense of spiritual growth. (Proverbs 1:7)

Sports and Competition

Engaging in excessive competition or idolizing sports figures can lead to a detrimental obsession that takes priority over our faith. When we worship idols, we serve them. That is what takes place in many families in sports, this is especially prevalent in the United States where the God of Sports has taken full allegiance from many people in the church to the point where they can quote all kinds of stats and events of famous athletes and teams, and yet no time for God. Sometimes, we worship our idols alongside God, but God wants all of our worship. (Isaiah 42:8)

Religious Practices

Paradoxically, even our spiritual practices, disciplines, religious rituals, and practices within the church can become idols when performed mechanically, without genuine intent, and when they replace a deeper, personal connection with God. This can result in religion taking precedence over a true relationship with God, as exemplified by the Pharisees in biblical accounts.
In light of these various forms of idolatry, it is incumbent upon us to engage in introspection and discernment to identify areas in our lives where we may be inadvertently elevating something or someone above our devotion to Jesus Christ. Through this process, we can strive to maintain a pure and authentic relationship with our faith, keeping idolatry at bay.
The best way for us to see what idols we have in our life is for the Holy Spirit to reveal it to us.

Deliverance Prayer to Repent, Renounce, and Break Curses to all Idolatry.

PRAYER: Lord, Jesus, I come to you to come out from among them, the idols. (2 Corinthians 6:16-18) Show, reveal, and help me to repent of every idol in my life… (Take a moment to let God show you of idols and repent with your voice.)
I renounce, resist, reject, refuse, and repent of every idol in my life, my family, and in all my generations all the way back to Adam and Eve.
In Jesus name, I destroy, break, smash, cut down, and burn in the Spirit and in the physical every idol, altar, high place of demonic worship, pillar, and grove dedicated to Satan and His kingdom. Lord, convict me and help to remove all idolatry from my life.
I break the curse of all idolatry in me and my generations.
Lord, replace the heart of stone with a heart of flesh in me. Amen. (Ezekiel 36:26)

References to Idolatry and Connecting Themes:

1 Exodus 20:2-6 - The Ten Commandments, including prohibition against graven images
2 Exodus 20:23 - Prohibition against making gods of silver or gold
3 Exodus 22:20 - Death penalty for sacrificing to other gods
4 Exodus 23:13 - Command to make no mention of other gods
5 Exodus 23:24-25 - Prohibition against bowing down to foreign gods
6 Exodus 34:14 - Command to worship no other god
7 Exodus 34:17 - Prohibition against making molten gods
8 Leviticus 19:4 - Command to turn away from idols and molten gods
9 Leviticus 26:1 - Prohibition against setting up images to bow down to
10 Deuteronomy 4:15-31 - Warning against corrupting oneself with graven images
11 Deuteronomy 4:24 - The LORD is a consuming fire and a jealous God
12 Deuteronomy 5:7-9 - Warning against idols
13 Deuteronomy 6:14-15 - Warning against following other gods
14 Deuteronomy 7:16 - Command to consume the people who serve other gods
15 Deuteronomy 7:25-26 - Command to burn graven images, for they are an abomination
16 Deuteronomy 8:19-20 - Warning of perishing if one forgets the LORD and serves other gods
17 Deuteronomy 11:16-17 - Warning against being deceived and turning to other gods
18 Deuteronomy 11:26-28 - Blessing and curse based on obedience or disobedience to the LORD's commandments
Deuteronomy 13:10 - Stoning those who seek to lead away from the LORD
20 Deuteronomy 13:14 - Enquiring and searching for abominations
21 1 Samuel 15:23 - Rebellion likened to idolatry
22 1 Kings 11:4-6 - Solomon's idolatry
23 2 Kings 17:12 - Israel’s idolatry condemned
24 Psalm 24:3-4 - Clean hands and a pure heart
25 Psalm 78:58 - Angering God with idols
26 Psalm 106:36-40 - Serving idols and consequences
27 Psalm 119:113 - Hating vain thoughts, loving God’s law
28 Proverbs 23:17 - Heart envy sinners
29 Isaiah 2:8 - Land full of idols
30 Isaiah 44:9-20 - The folly of idolatry
31 Jeremiah 1:16 - Judgments for idolatry
32 Jeremiah 10:14 - Worthlessness of idols
33 Jeremiah 17:5 - Cursed is the man who trusts in man
34 Ezekiel 14:3 - Men setting up idols in their hearts
35 Ezekiel 36:25 - Clean heart from all idols
36 Hosea 4:12 - Divination and spiritual adultery
37 Micah 5:13 - Destruction of idols
38 Zephaniah 1:4-5 - Judgment against idolatry
39 Matthew 6:24 - Serving two masters
40 Matthew 7:5 - Hypocrisy and judgment
41 Matthew 15:8-9 - Lip service, heart far from God
42 Matthew 23:28 - Appearance of righteousness, inwardly hypocritical
43 Mark 7:6-7 - Honoring God in vain
44 Luke 12:1 - Warning against hypocrisy
45 Luke 16:15 - What is highly esteemed among men, abomination in the sight of God
46 Acts 17:16-23 - Idolatry in Athens
47 Romans 1:21-25 - Futility and idolatry
48 Romans 2:21-24 - Teaching against stealing, committing sacrilege
49 1 Corinthians 5:11 - Not to associate with idolaters
50 1 Corinthians 10:14 - Flee from idolatry
51 1 Corinthians 10:19-22 - Idols nothing, but not participate with demons
52 2 Corinthians 6:16 - No agreement with idols
53 Galatians 5:19-21 - Works of the flesh, including idolatry
54 Ephesians 5:5 - No idolater has inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God
55 Philippians 3:18-19 - Enemies of the cross of Christ, mind earthly things
56 Colossians 3:5 - Put to death earthly nature, including idolatry
57 1 Thessalonians 1:9 - Turning from idols to serve living and true God
58 1 Timothy 6:10 - Love of money, a root of all kinds of evil
59 Hebrews 3:12 - Warning against an evil, unbelieving heart
60 Hebrews 4:12 - Word of God judges thoughts and attitudes of the heart
61 James 1:26 - Worthless religion, lack of bridle on the tongue
62 James 4:4 - Friendship with the world, enmity with God
63 1 Peter 4:3 - Living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing, and detestable idolatry
64 1 John 2:15-17 - Do not love the world or anything in the world
65 1 John 5:21 - Warning against idols
66 Revelation 2:14-15 - Teaching of Balaam, eating food sacrificed to idols
67 Revelation 21:8 - Idolaters in the fiery lake of burning sulfur

Jeremiah 2:27,28 - Saying to a stock, Thou art my father; and to a stone, Thou hast brought me forth: for they have turned their back unto me, and not their face: but in the time of their trouble they will say, Arise, and save us. But where are thy gods that thou hast made thee? let them arise, if they can save thee in the time of thy trouble: for according to the number of thy cities are thy gods, O Judah. Wherefore will ye plead with me? ye all have transgressed against me, saith the LORD.

There is a song by Jesus Culture right now that is popular that speaks about idols. Here are the lyrics. At the end of the song is my reflection on the lyrics.

We break our hearts open like oil overflowing
Falling at Your feet, giving everything
Come make our hearts tender, we yield and surrender
To the only one, You're the only one
No one else, no one else
Deserves our worship
No one else, no one else
Deserves our praise
Jesus, You alone are worthy
No one else deserves the glory
Oh, come cleanse this temple, purify Your people
Like a holy fire, on a sacrifice
Lord, teach us repentance to honor Your presence
You're the only one, You're the only one
Tear down the idols
We want revival
Clean hands and pure hearts
We behold You
Come be the center
High priest forever
You tore the veil
So we could come through

My reflection on the Song: No One Else (Tear Down The Idols)

My one thought on this song is that WE need to be the ones to tear down the idols! We can't ask Jesus to tear down idols that we do not tear down. Maybe we can ask Jesus to help us identify the idols and to help us to hate the idols and to help us to eradicate apathy and indifference to idolatry in our lives. But Jesus will never deliver us from our friends. We need to hate the sin of Idolatry! Then and only then will Jesus help us to be delivered from idolatry and all their demons when we hate and tear them down ourselves!