15 min read

The Unloving Spirits

Breaking Free From Unloving Spirits - Deliverance Teaching for those in emotional pain


Evil spirits talk over and over again to us.
Evil spirits want us to think like they think.
And so it is with a class of spirits called unloving spirits. They want us to feel and give unloving thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Some evidences that you can use to discern if there is an unloving spirit working in your life

An unloving spirit is a spirit that will attach itself to you.

  • It will constantly be trash talking to you about you.
  • It will trash talk others in your thoughts.
  • It will put others down.
  • It will put yourself down.
  • It will hang out with you.
  • An unloving spirit is an anti-Christ Anti-God spirit. We know this because these spirits are unloving and God is love.
  • This spirit wants you to reject yourself and who you are.
  • It wants you to reject others and to feel rejected by others.
  • Unloving and rejection go hand in hand. They are evil twins.
  • It makes you feel unclean, unworthy, no good.
  • With unloving there will be all kinds of self-accusation. They go together.

Put Down Your Appearances

  • It will pick apart your looks as you stand in front of a mirror.
  • That ear is higher than the other.
  • A grey hair
  • Wrinkles
  • Your eyes, your hair, or some other area of your body.
  • Your eyebrows are out of place, or you have a unibrow.
  • Facial hair is not full enough if you are a man.
  • A mole, a freckle, a zit
  • This unloving spirit will pick at you as you are aging about areas that stick out or don’t stick out.
  • Why does unloving spirit do this?
  • It’s so that you will go into self-rejection, not love yourself, not appreciate yourself, and judge yourself by your appearance.

How Do You Sound?

  • It will make you feel bad about your voice.
  • Have you ever heard yourself and your like, oh do I really sound like that. Then you feel bad about your voice. That’s an unloving spirit.
  • It will pick on your taste of style or clothes.

Lie to You About Others’ Feelings

  • Eventually, this spirit will tell you people don’t like you.
  • Make you believe people don’t love you and you’re unlovable.
  • You will start to hate yourself.
  • Make you believe that people hate you.

Tries to Isolate You

  • It wants you to self-isolate.
  • It doesn’t want you to be around other people. It doesn’t want you to have any fellowship with people.
  • If you find yourself starting to feel like you never really want to be around people or just be by yourself too much, tell that spirit it can stay home, but that you are going out to that event.

How to Get Rid of an Unloving Spirit

In order to get rid of this spirit, you need to:

  1. Doing, saying, thinking, Godly things
  2. Do the opposite thing of what the unloving spirit tells you.

Dangerous to your health.

  • It can cause white corpuscle deviant behavior.
  • This is in which the white corpuscle of your immune system will begin to attack your own body tissue.
  • This is known as auto immune activity and will create a disease where the body is attacking itself.
  • When you start to listen to and agree with an unloving spirit, you start to attack yourself with your thoughts and your body will come into alignment with what you’re thinking and attack itself creating a disease.


  • It can cause psychogenic pain.
  • You start to feel pain in your body, but it is not real.
  • The doctor and psychiatrists will not be able find the source of the pain.
  • This psychogenic pain can be the most painful pain.
  • It can cause neurological pain where neurons fire for no reason because you don’t feel loved.
  • It can cause a lack of peace which feels like a tightness inside you. It feels like stress. It will not allow you to rest and be at peace. It will drive you to drivenness.
  • A false doctrine in churches is one that says we are not to love ourselves as a part of self-sacrifice.

Matthew 22:37-40 - If we do not love our neighbor, we likely do not love ourselves, and likely do not love God. It is circular.


  • Communicate love to God as your Father in prayer.
  • Allow yourself to receive love from God, through reading/meditation of the Bible and through fellowshipping with other believers in Christ.
  • Receive love from others fellowshipping in church and Bible studies together.
  • Encourage, pray for others, and receive encouragement/prayer from others.
  • Worship God in songs by yourself and with others.
  • You will find yourself loving yourself better. It’s going to be a lot easier to love others, when you love yourself, because they are so tied together.

Satan’s End Game

  • Satan’s kingdom is always working to destroy relationships. Demons work to destroy relationship with ourselves, with others, and with God.
  • Matthew 22:37-40 addresses relationships.
  • An unloved spirit’s job is to break relationship with yourself, others, and God.
  • Other than God, you should be your best friend.
  • If I don’t love myself, and God created me, it’s like giving God a slap in the face.
  • I need to look at myself the way God looks at me.
  • I should appreciate the gifts, talents, and abilities God has given me.

I am not a finished work.

  • God is still working on me.
  • I need to trust God that He will complete the work He started in me as he saw from the foundation of the world.
  • Sometimes it’s hard to love yourself properly when you are in the midst of sin in areas of your life.
  • We want to holy and righteous and we fall short. This is when an unloving spirit will jump in.

What Does God Say About Us?

  • When we feel unloved and rejected because of our sin or what someone tell us, we need to listen to God.
  • God is always going to love us. God is love. That means that it would be impossible for God to not love us.
  • God would have to violate his very character and nature to not love us.
  • There’s no one greater than God. And therefore, if we understand that, even if we’re not loved, even if we are rejected by others, we can be secure in the love of God and, and in his acceptance of us.

Deuteronomy 32:10 -

He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye.

Psalms 17:7,8 -

Shew thy marvellous lovingkindness, O thou that savest by thy right hand them which put their trust in thee from those that rise up against them. Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings,


  • If we have an unloving spirit, it came in because at some point, we were we felt rejected or we were rejected.
  • It can be either real or imagined. And it usually happens right back in our own families, usually way back into our childhood. We may not even realize it is there.

Hebrews 13:6 -

So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.

1 Peter 3:12 -

For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.

How Can I Be Righteous?

  • An unloving spirit will try and accuse us and make us feel that we are not righteous.
  • We are righteous when we place all of our hope in the finished work of Jesus and His blood for the forgiveness of our sins.

No Correction

  • An unloving spirit will not allow us to receive any correction.
  • It will make us the victim when someone gives us truth.
  • Even if they speak it in the most gentle way, if we have an unloving spirit, we’re going take it as criticism. We’re gonna take it as rejection. We’re not going to be able to receive that truth. An unloving spirit will just twist everything around. That spirit will say, “Well, you know, you don’t appreciate anything that I do.” “You don’t think I can ever do it right?” “You always have a different suggestion for me.”
  • An unloving spirit will make the person giving gentle truth falsely appear to be evil. It will cause rejection. You’ll be rejecting them. You’ll feel rejected by them. That’s when you will feel victimized. That is what an unloving spirit wants to do.
  • But what happens if we can’t receive correction? That means even God will not be able to correct us. We will feel rejected by God when He is correcting us.
  • Some people will teach that we should avoid God’s chastening which is just another way to say correction. But this is incorrect.

Hebrews 12:5b-11 -

My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.
If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness. Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.

God as Our Parent

  • God is like our parent in a much bigger way. When a parent corrects a child so they do not run into a freeway with cars driving 65mph, it is not to destroy the joy of the child, no it’s to protect them so they will not be hurt and be alive.
  • One of the word definitions of chastening in the greek παιδεία paideia is nurture. God chastising/correcting us is God nurturing us.
  • An unloving spirit will falsely tell us that God’s nurturing is rejection and criticism.
  • God can use many methods of our correction. We can be corrected simply reading God’s Word and meditating on it. You might see, oh I’ve been a doer of Satan’s word instead of God’s Word.
  • If God is correcting you, repent and be corrected. It just means that you are His child and that He loves you.
  • You can ask God to forgive you and to change you, to help you to receive correction and not be defensive.
  • After receiving forgiveness ask God to deliver you from the unloving spirits.
  • Then you tell that stuff to come out in Jesus Name.

God and Rebellious People

  • God keeps reaching out to love you, even when you are rebellious.

Psalms 68:18 -

Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them.

God’s love even extends to the rebellious.

Inordinate Affection

  • Unloving spirits will drive you into inordinate affection. What is that? It could be improper sexual relationships such as homosexuality, but it can be non-sexual relationships between woman to woman, woman to man, man to man, or man to woman. It can involve sex, but it does not need to.
  • It forms out a need to be loved because people feel unloved. One person expresses love towards another person, but a wrong kind of bond forms where one person will take ownership over the other person.
  • One unloving spirit will connect to another unloving spirit. It’s based on what you can give me from the friendship. It’s similar to lust. It seems close to love on the surface, but underneath it’s all about what can I take vs true love is about what can I give. Lust takes, love gives.
  • A clue is if one person has taken ownership of someone, it’s probably connected to inordinate affection. Even marriage, the spouse does not outright own the other person.
  • It can even be towards animals or things. It can be a form of obsession or idolatry.

Afraid to Give & Receive Love

  • If you are afraid to love or receive love, that is a sign of an unloving spirit.
  • Have you ever hugged someone and they are like a telephone pole? Maybe you have been that telephone pole. After you hug the person, you might say that they are an awesome person and you really appreciate them. Meanwhile the unloving spirit will be saying to the telephone pole, “She’s lying to you.” Or “He’s not telling the truth.” “They really don’t appreciate you.”
  • If you hear that kind of stuff in your thoughts or emotions, it’s evidence that there is an unloving spirit in your life.
  • If you want to live life to the fullest and get rid of the unloving spirit, you are going to have to feel good about yourself even though there are things that are still getting renewed in you.

Being Perfect for Love

  • Unloving spirits will lie to and tell you that God will love you when you are perfect.
  • We saw how God loves the rebellious, so God will also love us when we are not perfect. God’s love for us is not based on how perfect we are.

Love in the Bible

  • There’s different kinds of love in the Bible in Greek. Here are 4 of them:
  • Eros refers to romantic love between man and woman.
  • Storge refers to love found in a family that is not romantic, spouse to spouse, and parents to kids and kids to parents.
  • Philos means warm affection or friendship. Love between friends.
  • Agapē is the sacrificial, unconditional love of God. God’s love towards us. The King James Version of the Bible many times will translate Agape love into charity. Why is it translated as charity many times?
  • When you give to charity, you're you're giving without expectation of getting anything back. You're giving to help others. That is the love of God for us.
  • No expectations that we will love God back. It’s unconditional. There’s no conditions to God’s love. You can not lose it by being bad and you can not get more of it by being good.

2 Corinthians 12:9 -

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

  • This gives me hope. I’m not in this alone.
  • If we are in agreement with an unloving spirit and thinking what he is telling us, then we will not be able to obey what God tells us in His Bible. We will not be able to love God properly. We will be in rebellion to God.

In John 14:15 Jesus says:

If ye love me, keep my commandments.

  • An unloving spirit wants us to do the opposite and then condemn.
  • Legalism vs Love (Legalism is forcing someone to do something. Love is because we want to do something.)
  • The first step is to recognize if there’s any place an unloving spirit has been working against us. Where has it made us a victim? Where has it used other people to work against us to feel unloved.
  • Ephesians 6:12
  • Who came into agreement with an unloving spirit to be what that unloving spirit was in order to hurt us? Remember there is a spirit behind that action of a person. When you realize that, we can start to separate whatever was done to us and forgive that person and move on to where God can give us victory.
  • If we have been a victim by someone listening to an unloving spirit, we need to make sure that we do not listen to that same unloving spirit and hurt others. You need to take a stand against unloving spirits in order to not victimize others.
  • Romans 12:18 - If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.


If you've recognized an unloving spirit, and how it has worked in your life, I'm going to lead you in a prayer. I'll say a few words and then you can repeat that after me.

We're going to recognize that unloving spirit, we're going to take responsibility in our lives, and in our generations, that were participating with it.

We're going to repent for our participation with us. Repentance and asking the Father to forgive us is what frees up frees us from the right of that unloving spirit to stay in our lives.

When we repent and turn away from it, and we turn towards God and we receive God's forgiveness, then that unloving spirit no longer has a right to be in our life. And so it has to go. That allows us to then renounce that Spirit in our lives and our generations. When I think about turning away from a way of thinking, speaking or acting, I always think of turning towards a new way of thinking, speaking and acting. I might have been in a rut of unloving or not thinking speaking and acting correctly for a long period of time. I might need a vision for what it looks like to do it differently. That's why when I renounce something, I then immediately ask the Father for help to send the Holy Ghost to help me overcome to lead me into truth, and to comfort me, in times that I do fail and fall.

So once we pray that prayer, then I'm done leading you in that and that will be the end of your part. Then I'm going to remove that unloving spirit from you and cancel his assignment in your life and in your generations. Then I have some prayers for healing for you that I want to pray. An unloving spirit can be very dangerous to your health. I want to undo the damage that that unloving Spirit did. God has given us by His Spirit, two gifts to remove that damage. Those gifts are the gifts of healing and the gift of miracles.

In the name of Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I'm gonna operate in those two gifts to restore you to what God had in mind for you. All right. So, let me lead you in prayer. Repeat after me, say:

People Will Repeat and Pray

PRAYER: Father, in Jesus Name, I recognize and I take responsibility in my life, and in my generations for listening to and agreeing with and even manifesting an loving spirit. Father, I repent of this. I ask you to forgive me for participating with a loving spirit. I receive your forgiveness according to 1st John 1:9. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce all unloving in my life, in my family, in my household, in all my generations. It is an antichrist spirit. It's an anti God's Spirit. And I want nothing to do with it any longer. I renounce it.

PRAYER: Father, I also ask that you would help me overcome. Wherever I have fallen into the rut of thinking, speaking, or acting like an unloving spirit, help me to get out of this mindset and overcome. Father, lead me into all truth, by your Holy Spirit, by your Word, and comfort me in times of trial and temptation, and difficulties in this world. Father, I trust you. I love you. I thank you for your unconditional love for me. In Jesus name I pray this, amen.

Lead, Command, Cast Out by MINISTER

(If you want you can command and pray this over yourself if there is nobody available to command the spirits to leave you)

Deliverance worker's part: In the name of Jesus, I take authority over all generational unloving spirits that have been in your life, perhaps even from the time that you were conceived in your mother's womb. I take authority over these spirits, and in the name of Jesus Christ, I cast it out of you. I release you from it. I release you from the consequences of it and in Jesus name and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I tell all unloving spirits to leave you and go to Jesus for a relocation of punishment. I cast out all unloving spirits out of your lives, out of your family, out of your generations, in the name of Jesus.

And now Father, I release your spirit for healing and restoration to reverse what that unloving spirit has done. I command all white corpuscle deviant behavior to cease. I command all white corpuscles to come into agreement with what God has said. You are to do the work that you're to do according to God's plan. I command all auto immune activity to stop and for everyone’s body to stop attacking itself biologically. I pray for healings, creative miracles, whatever is needed, to your intestines to the white connective tissues of your body, to brain tissue, to nerve tissue and wherever your body has been damaged because of auto immune activity. I speak a creative miracle so that your body would be made new and restored. I pray for genuine God made parts right now in Jesus name and by the power of the Holy Spirit to be put in place as needed.

I also speak peace over you, a peace that you can rest in the knowledge that your heavenly father loves you, and that you're accepted right where you're at, and that your body will come into medical peace, which is called homeostasis. Right now in the name of Jesus, I command homeostasis over you so that every part of your physiology will be at peace and in balance.

I command all psychogenic as well as neurological pain to cease and leave in the name of Jesus. I command all body memory of pain to go. Spirits of pain, I rebuke you and I tell you to go. I release all your bodies to be in perfect health and to be pain free. All serotonin imbalances that have come because of unloving spirits, I command that to be normalized right now in the name of Jesus. Serotonin be normalized in Jesus name. Father, if there are any other miracles and healings, that are needed here, I pray that your spirit would be released, Father to do this in Jesus Name, Amen.