1 min read

Prayer to Make Every Weapon That Comes Against Me to Fail

Prayer to Make Every Weapon That Comes Against Me to Fail

Prayer to Make Every Weapon That Comes Against Me to Fail

We need to be able to pray in faith. We need to have courage in the face of trouble. Have we been listening to discouragement or to condemnation and then believing it about ourselves? How do have faith and righteousness when life seems to be crumbling, or there is discouragement and guilt from Satan in our lives? We need to meditate on what the LORD told Isaiah in 54:17.


Isaiah 54:17 - No weapon that is formed against thee (ourself) shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee (ourself) in judgment thou (I) shalt condemn (make guilty). This is the heritage (possession) of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness (justice) is of me, saith the LORD.


Lord, I come to you in Jesus Name. I ask that you would deliver me and save me from feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and evil spirits of discouragement, guilt, and condemnation. Help me to believe what you told me in Isaiah 54:17. Help me to remove all pride of thing that I am only myself responsible for everything holy and good in my life. Help me to realize that you are helping to work in me your righteousness and that I can not do this on my now. I now bind in Jesus Name all spirits that are manifesting in me discouragement, guilt, condemnation, unloving, and pride. I tell you to go to Jesus and out of me in Jesus Name. Lord, close these doors and help me to be safe from every device and attack that the enemy Satan would try and use against me in some form of a weapon. Help me to be safe and covered in your protecting blood that you shed for me on Calvary, amen.